Fri, 21-Mar-2025, 17:27
Tender for Hiring a Consultancy Firm to Develop Ngali Holdings and Subsidiaries’ Financial, Procurement, HR & Administration ManualsNgali HoldinG
Tender Title
Tender for hiring a consultancy firm to develop Ngali Holdings and Subsidiaries’ financial, procurement, hr & administration manuals
Tender reference number
Procurement method
Open Competitive Bidding
Date of issue of tender
Prepared by
Approved by
Charity MUTESI
Procurement Assistant and ITC secretary
Chief Executive Officer
Bidders black listed/debarred or suspended by the Rwandan Public Procurement Authority (RPPA) shall not be considered for technical evaluation.
A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. All bidders found to have conflict of interest shall be disqualified. Bidders may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if they are associated, or has been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with the consultant or any other entity that has prepared the design, specifications, and other documents for the Project or being proposed as Project Manager for the Contract. A firm that has been engaged by the Procuring Entity to provide consulting services for the preparation or supervision of the works, and any of its affiliates shall not be eligible.
Bids submitted by a consultancy company in partnership shall comply with the following requirements:
The Bid shall include all the information listed in ITB Sub-Clause 1 above for each joint venture partner;
The Bid shall be a single document bearing the name of the bidder and signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;
The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation, submission of his bid, appeal fee or any other expenses that s/he may incur during procurement proceedings, and Ngali Holdings shall in no case be responsible or liable for those costs. Ngali Holdings shall not be liable for any consequences related to the rejection of all bids or the cancellation of the procurement proceedings due to the reasons provided for by the company’s procurement manual, unless it is proved that it was a consequence of its irresponsible conduct.
This Section complements the Instructions to Bidders (ITB 10.1). It contains the criteria that the Procuring Entity may use to evaluate a bid and determine whether a Bidder has the required qualifications. No other criteria shall be used.
The contract shall be awarded to one bidder who meet all the required conditions. The second bidder will be invited when the first bidder is not available or responsive, with official communication.
NGALI HOLDINGS reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to entering into contract with a successful bidder, without thereby incurring any liability to Bidders.
No bidder shall lodge any claim whatsoever for the rejection of its bid or cancellation of the tender.
NGALI HOLDINGS shall issue a provisional notification to successful bidders and allow unsuccessful bidders to lodge their protests against the award within 5 days. In case of no substantive complaints at the end of the five days necessitating delay of contracting, NGALI HOLDINGS will issue a definitive notification. Until a formal Contract is prepared and signed, any notification of award SHALL NOT constitute a binding Contract.
Failure of the successful Bidder to sign the Contract shall constitute sufficient grounds for the cancellation of the award and give the contract to the second successful bidder.
Section II. Instructions to bidders, Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
The following specific data for the Services to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.
ITB Clause Reference
ITB 1.1
The Procuring Entity is: NGALI HOLDINGS LTD
ITB 1.2
Tender Reference No: OCB/1/3/NH/2025
The Source of funds:
Contents of Bidding Documents
Clarification of bids will be addressed to The NGALI HOLDINGS LTD. Clarifications may be requested not later than 1 days before the submission date during working days.
For Clarification of bid purposes only, the Procuring Entity’s address is:
Bodifa Mercy House, 7th Floor, Kimihurua,
Gasabo, Kigali - Rwanda
Email :
Preparation of Bids
ITB 10
The language of the bid is English
ITB 11.1
The Bidder shall submit in its bid the following:
Proof of tender purchase of 20,000RWF on Ngali Holdings’ Account: 4079200008072 Equity bank
Administrative documents mentioned in the TORs
Sealed Financial and Technical proposals
ITB 13
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
ITB 14.5
ITB 14.6
Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the Contract (One year) and not subject to variation on any account. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected.
ITB 15.1
The Bidder is required to quote in the Rwanda Francs currency.
ITB 18.1
The bid validity period shall be ninety (90) calendar days, and shall remain valid for a period of 28 days beyond the validity period of the bid.
ITB 19.1
Bid shall include a Bid Security issued by only a reputable and recognized Bank operating in Rwanda. N/A
ITB 19.2
The amount of the Bid Security N/A
ITB 20.1
In addition to the original of the bid, the number of copies are: 01 copy.
Submission and Opening of Bids
ITB 22.1
Bids shall be received at Ngali Holdings procurement office no later than
Date: 16th /4/2025
Time: 10:00am
The bid opening shall take place at the following address:
Date 16th /4/2025
Hour: 10:15 am
Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
ITB 32
Bid prices will be in Rwanda Francs (Rwf) currency VAT Inclusive
ITB 33
Domestic preference N/A
ITB 34.3(a)
The evaluation will be done for the entire tender. If a Price Schedule shows items listed but not priced, their prices shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other items. An item not listed in the Price Schedule shall be assumed to be not included in the bid, and provided that the bid is substantially responsive, the average price of the item quoted by substantially responsive bidders will be added to the bid price and the equivalent total cost of the bid so determined will be used for price comparison.
The evaluation committee shall base on their confidential budget relevant to the service to be provided and the lowest offer shall not be the only criteria to award the tender.
Award of Contract
ITB 40
The maximum percentage by which an addendum to the contract may be done is 10%
This Section complements the Instructions to Bidders. It contains the detailed scope of work and criteria that the Procuring Entity may use to evaluate a bid and determine whether a Bidder has the required qualifications. No other criteria shall be used.
Ngali Holdings Ltd (NH) is a private liability company, which was established in 2010 as Digitech solution and later rebranded as NH in 2012. NH is owned by the GoR; initially through the MINECOFIN and later – since Dec 2022, through Agaciro Development Fund.
Being an investment company, Ngali Holdings deals in wide range of industries across Rwanda and it is headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda. It is currently involved in Mining, Energy, Systems Development, Health Care, Fees Collections, etc.
Ngali Holdings Ltd would like to engage a consultancy firm to review and update the existing Financial, Procurement and HR &Administration Procedure Manuals aligned with current Standard Operation Procedure Framework for Government Controlled Companies (SOP), as well as, other relevant laws and regulations, including other internal procedure manual such procurement policy, HR& Administration policy, investment policy of Ngali and its subsidiaries considering the growing needs of the organization.
Ngali Holdings and Subsidiaries
Ngali Holdings Ltd
Parent Company
Ngali Energy Ltd
Ngali Mining Ltd
Locus Dynamics Ltd
Lot 1: Procurement Manual
The primary objectives of this consultancy assignment are to:
Develop and revise the existing procurement manual and current Standard Operation Procedure Framework to reflect current laws and best practices.
Ensure alignment with the Rwanda Public Procurement Association particularly the new procurement law.
Integrate the procurement manual with other developed Policies such as HR policy, Investment policy of Ngali and its subsidiaries and the five-year strategic plan of Ngali Holdings.
Incorporate innovative procurement practices and technologies relevant to the market.
Scope of Work
The consulting firm will be required to:
Research and Benchmarking: Aligning the policy with Rwanda public procurement Law especial the best practice applicable in Ngali Holdings Ltd and subsidiaries’ affairs Utilize and other relevant benchmarks to inform existing manual updates.
Drafting Revised Manual: Create a comprehensive procurement manual that includes:
Updated procedures reflecting current Standard Operation Procedure Framework.
Best practices in procurement processes.
Innovations relevant to the industry.
Integration with strategic planning documents.
Stakeholder Engagement: Conduct consultations with key stakeholders within Ngali Holdings to gather input and feedback during the drafting process.
Training: Develop and deliver training sessions on the new manual for relevant staff members.
The consulting firm is expected to deliver:
A revised procurement manual that incorporates all necessary updates and innovations.
A detailed work plan outlining the steps involved in the development process.
A financial proposal detailing costs associated with the project.
CVs of all team members, specifying their roles in developing the manual
Qualifications of the consulting firm
The selected firm must meet the following criteria:
A minimum of 10 years of experience in developing procurement manuals, HR and financial manuals or similar projects.
Proven track record of working with companies similar to Ngali Holdings.
Submission of at least 5 references from previous clients for whom similar services have been provided.
Team Composition and Qualifications
The consulting team should consist of professionals with:
At least a bachelor's degree in procurement or a related field.
CIPS certification as an added advantage.
A minimum of 5 years of experience in developing procurement manuals or similar projects
Demonstrable experience in Group procurement responsibilities at senior level spanning at least 5 years in a national or international footprint
Lot 2: Human Resource (HR) Manual and Administration
The following are the main goals of this consultancy:
Review and Analyse: Evaluate the existing Human Resource Manual to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
Revise the HR Manual: Update HR Manual and processes to reflect best practices and current labour law.
Match the HR manual with current SOP, updated current Labor Law) and other related laws and internal procedure manual such as procurement policy, Finance policy, investment policy of Ngali and its subsidiaries
Development of Administration Policy:
Designing a structured administration Policy covering:
Operations: Daily operations, safety procedures, workflow management, quality assurance, etc.
Logistics: Inventory management, procurement, distribution, transportation, etc.
Writing detailed, step-by-step procedures, including roles, responsibilities, and necessary forms or templates.
Scope of the Work
The consultant will be required to:
Align Ngali Holdings and subsidiaries existing HR & Administrative policies with SOP and National and international best practices to ensure competitiveness and effective human capital management & Effective Administration.
Develop a suitable benefit in kind and fleet policy in line to SOPs for government-controlled companies
Develop Ngali Holdings and subsidiaries HR manual & Administrative policy that effectively addresses the diverse needs of Ngali Holdings and its subsidiaries, taking into account the specific industry context and workforce dynamics of each entity
Ensure full compliance with all applicable Rwandan labour laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Rwanda Labour Code, social security legislation, and tax laws related to employment.
Develop a stand-alone policy to special projects within Ngali Holding and subsidiaries.
Gather feedback from Ngali Holdings and subsidiaries regarding existing HR& Administrative policy and from relevant regulatory bodies.
Create Job Profile and template as Appendix to the HR & Administrative policy for Ngali Holdings and subsidiaries.
Revise National and international rate for mission allowance and other related expense
Stakeholder Engagement: Conduct consultations with key stakeholders within Ngali Holdings to gather input and feedback during the drafting process.
Training: Develop and deliver training sessions on the new manual for relevant staff members
The consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables
Detailed report summarizing findings from the review phase.
A revised Human Resource Manual incorporating updated policies.
Training materials for staff on the new HR policies.
Offer training sessions for HR staff and management on updated HR Manual
Qualifications of the consulting firm
The selected firm must meet the following criteria:
A minimum of 10 years of experience in developing HR & Administration manuals or similar projects.
Proven track record of working with companies similar to Ngali Holdings.
Submission of at least 5 references from previous clients for whom similar services have been provided.
Team Composition and Qualifications
The consulting team should consist of professionals with:
At least a bachelor's degree in HR, Law and administration or a related field.
SHRM-CP certification.
A minimum of 5 years of experience in developing HR & Administration Manual procurement manuals or similar project
Demonstrable experience in Group HR & Administration Manual responsibilities at senior level spanning at least 5 years in a national or international footprint
Technical Evaluation
Methodology the bidder will use to prepare the manuals
Work Plan
Minimum of 3 references for the same task in similar organization type as Group Company,
Time frame for implementation of the assignment.
Lot 3: Financial Manual
5.1. Scope of work:
The main scope of work is to review and update current Financial Procedure manual of Ngali and its subsidiaries; and aligning it with current comprehensive Standard Operation Procedure Framework Governing State-owned entities, provided by Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN), considering other internal procedure manual such as procurement policy, Human Resource (HR) policy, investment policy of Ngali and its subsidiaries.
The specific scope of work:
To revise Ngali Financial Procedure manual to meet the organization’s requirements and guiding the organization towards its proper financial management;
Match the Financial Procedure manual with current SOP, updated International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS) and other related laws and internal procedure manual such as procurement policy, HR policy, investment policy of Ngali and its subsidiaries
Recommend the scope of computer base software interventions for better management of financial resources of Ngali and its subsidiaries,
To advise Ngali and its subsidiaries on proper management systems
To review the existing manual and place a standard policy for fixed assets management, depreciation calculation systems, etc.,
To suggest standard chart of accounts for Ngali and its subsidiaries
To suggest a proper system of delegation of authority for the parent and subsidiary offices,
Update and match the existing templates with procedure manual and accounting system
Review and consider the recommendations of several audit reports in last 3 years
Provide a training to concern staff on how to implement the policies
Suggest/recommend a more efficient software/technology for better management of Ngali and its subsidiaries financial resources
Provide training on recommended software/technologies on how to use it for those who are directly involved with financial and overall management
Where necessary, add a separate section/s to address particularities of respective companies
5.2. Supports from Ngali and its Subsidiaries:
Extension of all necessary cooperation and supports to the consultant/ for proper execution of the assignment
Providing all necessary documents and information asked by the consultants.
Organization of meetings, where necessary.
5.3. Deliverables:
5.3.1. The consultant is expected to prepare a comprehensive Financial Procedure Manual for Ngali and its subsidiaries in English, incorporating all revised formats and tools, along with recommendations for relevant technical or software interventions
5.3.2. A workshop with concerned staff of Ngali and its subsidiaries on how to implement the manual,
5.3.3. Printed Financial Procedure manual for Ngali and its subsidiaries
5.4. Qualifications & Experience required for the team in assignment:
A professional Accountant with full membership in a recognized professional body such as ACCA, ICAEW, or CPA, holding a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in Accounting, Finance, or a related field from a recognized university, and possessing at least 15 years of senior-level experience in a national or international corporate organization, preferably in the energy, mining, trading, or infrastructure sectors.
Demonstrable experience in Group financial reporting responsibilities at senior level spanning at least 5 years in a large group of Companies with national or international footprint
Proven skills in modern financial systems like ERPs and other computer aided technologies, implementing corporate financial systems
Familiar with investment financing models for mining companies and related investment planning
Excellent command of the English language;
Proven Experience in enterprise risk management procedures.
5.5. Reporting arrangements and working relationship
The consultant shall transmit the report directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
Approval of the reports and documents
NHs and subsidiaries will notify the consultant the acceptance or rejection of the reports within 15 calendar days from the submission of first draft reports.
In case NHs and subsidiaries do not reply within the stipulated time duration, the consultant shall not incur delay penalties.
Evaluation Criteria
Selection will follow the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method with the following criteria:
Technical Evaluation – 70%
Financial Evaluation – 30% gs Ltd
21-03-2025 1:53 PM to 16-04-2025 11:53 PM
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