Adel Amouriche mwihurizo cyo guhitamo uzabanza mu kibuga Hagati ya Hakim Sahabo, Mushire Kevin, na Samuel Guellette.

18 hours ago

Umutoza w'Amavubi azaba asabwa guhitamo ubanza mukibuga hagati ya: Kevin Muhire, Samuel Geuelette, Hakim Sahabo na Manishimwe Djabel. 
Ubona ari nde muri aba akwiye kwizera ku mukino wa Nigeria?
Umutoza w'Amavubi azaba asabwa guhitamo ubanza mukibuga hagati ya: Kevin Muhire, Samuel Geuelette, Hakim Sahabo na Manishimwe Djabel. 

Ubona ari nde muri aba akwiye kwizera ku mukino wa Nigeria? 



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