Amavubi: Inkuru y' akababaro Omberenga, Yunusu watara bupfushije se ubabyara .

19 hours ago

Abakinnyi b’ikipe y’igihugu @amavubi_official Omborenga Fitina na Yunusu Watara NSHIMIYIMANA bagize ibyago. 

Ku mugoroba wo kuri uyu wa mbere bapfushije Papa wabo.

Aba basore 2 iyi nkuru mbi bayimenye bavuye ku myitozo kuri uyu wa mbere. 

Uyu musaza witahiye yabaye abana bazi gukina ruhago, kuko abavandimwe babo Yamini Salumu na mukuru wabo SIBOMANA Abuba Ubu wungirije umutoza mukuru wa Gorilla FC bakiniye nabo ikipe y’igihugu. 
Aba basore b’Amavubi barahabwa uruhushya bajye guherekeza Umubyeyi wabo. 
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un 



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