Terms of Reference for the Consultancy to Conduct an Endline and Final Evaluation for the Future is Green! Promoting Youth Agri-Preneurship in Rwanda Project at Plan International Rwanda

Fri, 21-Mar-2025, 16:21

Event Details:

1. The Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI)

The1. The Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI)

The project is sponsored by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) And European Union (EU). Urban Fabric Initiatives (UFIs) a participatory project to develop public spaces and social facilities in a collaborative manner, bringing together all stakeholders involved in the production of the city. 

The Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) is an informal settlement upgrading project implemented in conjunction with the City of Kigali under the Kigali Informal Settlement Upgrading Project (KISUP). The aim is to fund small-scale public space upgrading and community infrastructure projects co-designed and co-produced by residents and urban stakeholders, implemented in close collaboration with local authorities (community representatives and the City of Kigali).

Three partnering organisations have been appointed as a consortium to be the Kigali UFI Operator: Rwanda Women’s Network (RWN; based in Kigali), Bantu Studio Design & Research (Bantu; based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Espelia (based in France). RWN is a local non-profit organisation responsible for stakeholder and community engagement and project administration. Bantu is responsible for the co-design and co-construction of selected social facilities within the project, as well as quality control advising to the City of Kigali. Espelia is a French consulting firm with expertise in the design and implementation of economic, financial, institutional, and organizational aspects of public policies and projects in emerging and developing countries, and is responsible for the development of operation & maintenance (O&M) strategies and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for the project. 

Collectively, the RWN-Bantu-Espelia consortium has been engaged by AFD for a three-year contract to implement the Kigali UFI within three informal settlements of Kigali. The UFI Operator sees this project as an opportunity to not only build positive interventions but also to establish real, measurable, and lasting socio-economic benefits to the surrounding communities. The UFI Operator, together with Sectors’ elected Community Upgrading Committees (CUCs), developed the ‘Impact Strategy’ that focuses on the positive change brought by the construction of the interventions. It has six goals, each of which considers the overall welfare of the communities and the ways small projects can make a larger impact: 

Keep project expenses in the community: The project aims to boost the local economy by prioritizing spending within the sectors where facilities are built. Community members will be actively involved in construction, with a focus on local contracting, and job creation.

Develop tradecraft: The project aims to enhance the skills and experience of construction crew members, enabling them to take on more complex projects in the future. Workmanship quality will be assessed, with skill-building workshops provided as needed.

Support underrepresented and vulnerable groups: Economic benefits of the project expenditures should be equitably distributed amongst participants regardless of gender, age, religion, etc. Unemployed or under-employed individuals should be prioritised for work they are capable of performing. The participation of women disabled and/or other vulnerable groups shall make up at least 30% of the construction workforce. For Unskilled labour, the contractor shall prioritise the selection of individuals on the “List of Interest”, which is a regularly maintained registry of unemployed/under-employed individuals who have expressed interest in applying for Unskilled Labour positions within the project. This list will be created and maintained by the Construction Committee, determining its prioritisation criteria and rotational employment strategy, and keeping contact details and employment status up to date over time.

Mainstreaming of environmental sustainability: The project will prioritize sustainable materials and practices in construction and maintenance while educating workers on sustainability considerations for future projects. This includes using low-carbon and locally sourced materials, integrating nature-based solutions, recycling, and planning for material maintenance and end-of-life treatment.

Create a fair, transparent structure for implementation; A transparent and fair selection process will be established for contractors and workers, incorporating input from all relevant stakeholders, including the UFI and Sectors’ elected Community Upgrading Committees (CUCs). Clear communication protocols will ensure broad access to opportunities, while defined roles and requirements will guide participation. A fair recruitment policy will be implemented, with flexibility for amendments as needed.

Prepare a way of working for longer-term projects: The five outlined goals will be integrated into the public tendering process for the next phase of UFI, ensuring alignment with Rwandan public procurement regulations.

1.2. The Construction Committee

The UFI Operator, together with elected community representatives, formed sectors’ construction committees that will oversee labour selection and construction management.

The Construction Committees will oversee recruitment, project management, and compliance to ensure fair and inclusive employment practices. It will document meetings, and update stakeholders. The committees will manage the List of Interest (registry of individuals who have expressed interest in applying for Unskilled Labour positions), prioritizing and rotating employment opportunities while maintaining applicant records. The committees will evaluate contractor bids, and organize training sessions on skills, inclusivity, and sustainability where needed. Additionally, it will enforce safety standards on construction site and ensure contractor compliance with recruitment policies.

1.3. Lots and Scope of work

The UFI team (RWN-Bantu-Espelia) is seeking contractors to execute renovations and improvements to three water collection kiosks and sites in Rwezamenyo and Nyakabanda Sectors, to be tendered in two separate lots. Each lot will have a three-month construction timeline. 

Lot 1 will consist of a single water kiosk in Nyakabanda.

Lot 2 will consist of two water kiosks in close proximity to each other in Rwezamenyo. 

Each lot will be evaluated separately. A prospective bidder may bid on one or both lots. In the case where contracts are awarded to different bidders, the two lots will have separate contracts. In the case where a single bidder is awarded both lots, it may be done through a single contract, but the total construction timeline to complete both lots remains the same. 

The scope of work for each lot is given in the tables below. Detailed drawings, specifications and a bill of quantities (BoQ) will be made available only to shortlisted bidders following the first stage of evaluation.

 Lot 1




Main Construction Components

Dimensions (Approx.)



Water kiosk 

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of a toilet; supply and installation of 2 water tanks; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and new WASAC electronic card system). 

Plot size: 70 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2

Lot 2




Main Construction Components

Dimensions (Approx.)



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of kiosk porch; construction of a toilet; supply and installation of a water tank; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and existing WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 170 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of kiosk porch; supply and installation of water tanks; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and new WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 100 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2

 2. Recruitment

2.1. Pre-qualification

The construction committees will evaluate eligibility to bid based on the following criteria:


Minimum requirement

Added Value/ Score

Proof of being a registered professional, company, cooperative, or other registered legal entity

Proof of being a registered taxpayer in good standing with the Rwanda Revenue Authority, and be able to invoice via electronic billing machine (EBM)

Signed statement indicating willingness to participate in the monitoring and evaluation (tracking studies) of the UFI where needed and supply necessary data for that purpose as required.

Proof of being from/operating business from the relevant sector for the lot being bid on, or demonstrating a good past working relationship with the sectors.

5 points if yes

2 points if partial

0 points if no

Proof of the bidder’s successful completion of at least three construction projects of similar or larger size by completing the project reference form (attached). 

10 points if 3 projects

5 points if 2 projects

2 points if 1 project

0 points if none

Documentation proving relevant education, training, or certification for the proposed key skilled staff, including but not limited to:

1 project manager/site supervisor

1 lead welder

1 lead mason

1 lead electrician

1 lead plumber

2 points per skilled staff

(10 possible points)

Demonstration of at least five years of relevant work experience by providing a comprehensive list of projects completed in which the proposed key staff’s skills were utilised.

2 points per year of experience

(10 possible points)

Indication of how the contractor will achieve a high proportion of workers from Rwezamenyo or Nyakabanda Sector into the staff, including vulnerable groups such as unemployed individuals who are below the poverty level, people with disabilities, etc.

10 points

Demonstration of gender diversity within the skilled and unskilled staff

5 points if /≥50% female

4 points if 55/45 male/female

3 points if 60/40 male/female

2 points if 65/35 male/female

1 point if 70/30 male/female

0 points if <30% female

Total possible points for prequalification

50 points

Non-compliance with the minimum requirements will result in disqualification. All other bidders will be evaluated and scored as indicated above. 

2.2. Qua

Any bidder scoring higher than 45 points, or the highest three bidders, whichever is more, will be invited to submit their financial and technical proposals. Subject to availability of construction permit, the complete construction drawings, bill of quantities, and other necessary documentation will be released to the shortlisted bidders.

Bids considered to be unrealistically low for the amount and quality of work expected may be asked for clarification. If the UFI Operator considers a bid to be a serious risk to the execution of the work, it may be eliminated. All other bids will be assessed on lowest cost. The selected bidder will be invited for contract negotiations. 

2.3. Application Process

2.3.1 Submission & Evaluation

All documentation must be submitted in PDF format to [email protected] not later than 04th, April 2025 at 17:00 o’ clock. The candidates who will meet the criteria will be scheduled to do interview on 14 April 2025 at Rwanda Women’s Network Head Office (Gacuriro) from 10;00 am

2.3.2 Additional information

Questions, requests for clarity, or requests for additional information may be addressed to:

[email protected]

Bidder's Commitment to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Provision

I, the undersigned, representing [Bidder's Name in case of company, cooperative, or legal entity], hereby confirm our willingness to participate in the monitoring and evaluation activities (tracking studies) of the Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) Project, as required.

We acknowledge the importance of ongoing assessment and commit to:

Providing necessary data and information relevant to project evaluation;

Conducting an honest self-assessment of our knowledge and experience in sustainability practices;

Responding to questions related to sustainability before, during, and after the project implementation;

Cooperating with designated project evaluators and stakeholders to ensure transparent and effective monitoring.

We understand that this commitment is essential for the continuous improvement of the UFI Kigali project and agree to comply with requests for information and participation in evaluation processes.

Bidder's Name: _______________

Authorized Representative: _______________

Designation: _______________

Date: _______________ 

Signature: _______________




Project Title


Size (sqm)

Year completed






Staff's Name: _______________

Place of residence: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________ 



Name of Project

Type of Work

New Construction (tick box if yes)

Renovation (tick box if yes)





Site area (sqm)

 Built up area (sqm)

Client Name

Client Email

Client Phone


Start date (Month/Year)

Completion date (Month/Year)

Major Activities





Tick if any of those apply and provide others under this section





Short Project Description

Photos (Attach at least 3)

Bidder's Name: _______________

Authorized Representative: _______________

Designation: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________vvvvvvv project is sponsored by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) And European Union (EU). Urban Fabric Initiatives (UFIs) a participatory project to develop public spaces an1. The Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI)

The project is sponsored by Agence Française de Développement (AFD) And European Union (EU). Urban Fabric Initiatives (UFIs) a participatory project to develop public spaces and social facilities in a collaborative manner, bringing together all stakeholders involved in the production of the city. 

The Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) is an informal settlement upgrading project implemented in conjunction with the City of Kigali under the Kigali Informal Settlement Upgrading Project (KISUP). The aim is to fund small-scale public space upgrading and community infrastructure projects co-designed and co-produced by residents and urban stakeholders, implemented in close collaboration with local authorities (community representatives and the City of Kigali).

Three partnering organisations have been appointed as a consortium to be the Kigali UFI Operator: Rwanda Women’s Network (RWN; based in Kigali), Bantu Studio Design & Research (Bantu; based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Espelia (based in France). RWN is a local non-profit organisation responsible for stakeholder and community engagement and project administration. Bantu is responsible for the co-design and co-construction of selected social facilities within the project, as well as quality control advising to the City of Kigali. Espelia is a French consulting firm with expertise in the design and implementation of economic, financial, institutional, and organizational aspects of public policies and projects in emerging and developing countries, and is responsible for the development of operation & maintenance (O&M) strategies and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for the project. 

Collectively, the RWN-Bantu-Espelia consortium has been engaged by AFD for a three-year contract to implement the Kigali UFI within three informal settlements of Kigali. The UFI Operator sees this project as an opportunity to not only build positive interventions but also to establish real, measurable, and lasting socio-economic benefits to the surrounding communities. The UFI Operator, together with Sectors’ elected Community Upgrading Committees (CUCs), developed the ‘Impact Strategy’ that focuses on the positive change brought by the construction of the interventions. It has six goals, each of which considers the overall welfare of the communities and the ways small projects can make a larger impact: 

Keep project expenses in the community: The project aims to boost the local economy by prioritizing spending within the sectors where facilities are built. Community members will be actively involved in construction, with a focus on local contracting, and job creation.

Develop tradecraft: The project aims to enhance the skills and experience of construction crew members, enabling them to take on more complex projects in the future. Workmanship quality will be assessed, with skill-building workshops provided as needed.

Support underrepresented and vulnerable groups: Economic benefits of the project expenditures should be equitably distributed amongst participants regardless of gender, age, religion, etc. Unemployed or under-employed individuals should be prioritised for work they are capable of performing. The participation of women disabled and/or other vulnerable groups shall make up at least 30% of the construction workforce. For Unskilled labour, the contractor shall prioritise the selection of individuals on the “List of Interest”, which is a regularly maintained registry of unemployed/under-employed individuals who have expressed interest in applying for Unskilled Labour positions within the project. This list will be created and maintained by the Construction Committee, determining its prioritisation criteria and rotational employment strategy, and keeping contact details and employment status up to date over time.

Mainstreaming of environmental sustainability: The project will prioritize sustainable materials and practices in construction and maintenance while educating workers on sustainability considerations for future projects. This includes using low-carbon and locally sourced materials, integrating nature-based solutions, recycling, and planning for material maintenance and end-of-life treatment.

Create a fair, transparent structure for implementation; A transparent and fair selection process will be established for contractors and workers, incorporating input from all relevant stakeholders, including the UFI and Sectors’ elected Community Upgrading Committees (CUCs). Clear communication protocols will ensure broad access to opportunities, while defined roles and requirements will guide participation. A fair recruitment policy will be implemented, with flexibility for amendments as needed.

Prepare a way of working for longer-term projects: The five outlined goals will be integrated into the public tendering process for the next phase of UFI, ensuring alignment with Rwandan public procurement regulations.

1.2. The Construction Committee

The UFI Operator, together with elected community representatives, formed sectors’ construction committees that will oversee labour selection and construction management.

The Construction Committees will oversee recruitment, project management, and compliance to ensure fair and inclusive employment practices. It will document meetings, and update stakeholders. The committees will manage the List of Interest (registry of individuals who have expressed interest in applying for Unskilled Labour positions), prioritizing and rotating employment opportunities while maintaining applicant records. The committees will evaluate contractor bids, and organize training sessions on skills, inclusivity, and sustainability where needed. Additionally, it will enforce safety standards on construction site and ensure contractor compliance with recruitment policies.

1.3. Lots and Scope of work

The UFI team (RWN-Bantu-Espelia) is seeking contractors to execute renovations and improvements to three water collection kiosks and sites in Rwezamenyo and Nyakabanda Sectors, to be tendered in two separate lots. Each lot will have a three-month construction timeline. 

Lot 1 will consist of a single water kiosk in Nyakabanda.

Lot 2 will consist of two water kiosks in close proximity to each other in Rwezamenyo. 

Each lot will be evaluated separately. A prospective bidder may bid on one or both lots. In the case where contracts are awarded to different bidders, the two lots will have separate contracts. In the case where a single bidder is awarded both lots, it may be done through a single contract, but the total construction timeline to complete both lots remains the same. 

The scope of work for each lot is given in the tables below. Detailed drawings, specifications and a bill of quantities (BoQ) will be made available only to shortlisted bidders following the first stage of evaluation.

 Lot 1




Main Construction Components

Dimensions (Approx.)



Water kiosk 

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of a toilet; supply and installation of 2 water tanks; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and new WASAC electronic card system). 

Plot size: 70 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2

Lot 2




Main Construction Components

Dimensions (Approx.)



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of kiosk porch; construction of a toilet; supply and installation of a water tank; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and existing WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 170 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of kiosk porch; supply and installation of water tanks; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and new WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 100 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2

 2. Recruitment

2.1. Pre-qualification

The construction committees will evaluate eligibility to bid based on the following criteria:


Minimum requirement

Added Value/ Score

Proof of being a registered professional, company, cooperative, or other registered legal entity

Proof of being a registered taxpayer in good standing with the Rwanda Revenue Authority, and be able to invoice via electronic billing machine (EBM)

Signed statement indicating willingness to participate in the monitoring and evaluation (tracking studies) of the UFI where needed and supply necessary data for that purpose as required.

Proof of being from/operating business from the relevant sector for the lot being bid on, or demonstrating a good past working relationship with the sectors.

5 points if yes

2 points if partial

0 points if no

Proof of the bidder’s successful completion of at least three construction projects of similar or larger size by completing the project reference form (attached). 

10 points if 3 projects

5 points if 2 projects

2 points if 1 project

0 points if none

Documentation proving relevant education, training, or certification for the proposed key skilled staff, including but not limited to:

1 project manager/site supervisor

1 lead welder

1 lead mason

1 lead electrician

1 lead plumber

2 points per skilled staff

(10 possible points)

Demonstration of at least five years of relevant work experience by providing a comprehensive list of projects completed in which the proposed key staff’s skills were utilised.

2 points per year of experience

(10 possible points)

Indication of how the contractor will achieve a high proportion of workers from Rwezamenyo or Nyakabanda Sector into the staff, including vulnerable groups such as unemployed individuals who are below the poverty level, people with disabilities, etc.

10 points

Demonstration of gender diversity within the skilled and unskilled staff

5 points if /≥50% female

4 points if 55/45 male/female

3 points if 60/40 male/female

2 points if 65/35 male/female

1 point if 70/30 male/female

0 points if <30% female

Total possible points for prequalification

50 points

Non-compliance with the minimum requirements will result in disqualification. All other bidders will be evaluated and scored as indicated above. 

2.2. Qua

Any bidder scoring higher than 45 points, or the highest three bidders, whichever is more, will be invited to submit their financial and technical proposals. Subject to availability of construction permit, the complete construction drawings, bill of quantities, and other necessary documentation will be released to the shortlisted bidders.

Bids considered to be unrealistically low for the amount and quality of work expected may be asked for clarification. If the UFI Operator considers a bid to be a serious risk to the execution of the work, it may be eliminated. All other bids will be assessed on lowest cost. The selected bidder will be invited for contract negotiations. 

2.3. Application Process

2.3.1 Submission & Evaluation

All documentation must be submitted in PDF format to [email protected] not later than 04th, April 2025 at 17:00 o’ clock. The candidates who will meet the criteria will be scheduled to do interview on 14 April 2025 at Rwanda Women’s Network Head Office (Gacuriro) from 10;00 am

2.3.2 Additional information

Questions, requests for clarity, or requests for additional information may be addressed to:

[email protected]

Bidder's Commitment to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Provision

I, the undersigned, representing [Bidder's Name in case of company, cooperative, or legal entity], hereby confirm our willingness to participate in the monitoring and evaluation activities (tracking studies) of the Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) Project, as required.

We acknowledge the importance of ongoing assessment and commit to:

Providing necessary data and information relevant to project evaluation;

Conducting an honest self-assessment of our knowledge and experience in sustainability practices;

Responding to questions related to sustainability before, during, and after the project implementation;

Cooperating with designated project evaluators and stakeholders to ensure transparent and effective monitoring.

We understand that this commitment is essential for the continuous improvement of the UFI Kigali project and agree to comply with requests for information and participation in evaluation processes.

Bidder's Name: _______________

Authorized Representative: _______________

Designation: _______________

Date: _______________ 

Signature: _______________




Project Title


Size (sqm)

Year completed






Staff's Name: _______________

Place of residence: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________ 



Name of Project

Type of Work

New Construction (tick box if yes)

Renovation (tick box if yes)





Site area (sqm)

 Built up area (sqm)

Client Name

Client Email

Client Phone


Start date (Month/Year)

Completion date (Month/Year)

Major Activities





Tick if any of those apply and provide others under this section





Short Project Description

Photos (Attach at least 3)

Bidder's Name: _______________

Authorized Representative: _______________

Designation: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________ d social facilities in a collaborative manner, bringing together all stakeholders involved in the production of the city.

The Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) is an informal settlement upgrading project implemented in conjunction with the City of Kigali under the Kigali Informal Settlement Upgrading Project (KISUP). The aim is to fund small-scale public space upgrading and community infrastructure projects co-designed and co-produced by residents and urban stakeholders, implemented in close collaboration with local authorities (community representatives and the City of Kigali).

Three partnering organisations have been appointed as a consortium to be the Kigali UFI Operator: Rwanda Women’s Network (RWN; based in Kigali), Bantu Studio Design & Research (Bantu; based in Johannesburg, South Africa, and Espelia (based in France). RWN is a local non-profit organisation responsible for stakeholder and community engagement and project administration. Bantu is responsible for the co-design and co-construction of selected social facilities within the project, as well as quality control advising to the City of Kigali. Espelia is a French consulting firm with expertise in the design and implementation of economic, financial, institutional, and organizational aspects of public policies and projects in emerging and developing countries, and is responsible for the development of operation & maintenance (O&M) strategies and a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for the project.

Collectively, the RWN-Bantu-Espelia consortium has been engaged by AFD for a three-year contract to implement the Kigali UFI within three informal settlements of Kigali. The UFI Operator sees this project as an opportunity to not only build positive interventions but also to establish real, measurable, and lasting socio-economic benefits to the surrounding communities. The UFI Operator, together with Sectors’ elected Community Upgrading Committees (CUCs), developed the ‘Impact Strategy’ that focuses on the positive change brought by the construction of the interventions. It has six goals, each of which considers the overall welfare of the communities and the ways small projects can make a larger impact:

Keep project expenses in the community: The project aims to boost the local economy by prioritizing spending within the sectors where facilities are built. Community members will be actively involved in construction, with a focus on local contracting, and job creation.

Develop tradecraft: The project aims to enhance the skills and experience of construction crew members, enabling them to take on more complex projects in the future. Workmanship quality will be assessed, with skill-building workshops provided as needed.

Support underrepresented and vulnerable groups: Economic benefits of the project expenditures should be equitably distributed amongst participants regardless of gender, age, religion, etc. Unemployed or under-employed individuals should be prioritised for work they are capable of performing. The participation of women disabled and/or other vulnerable groups shall make up at least 30% of the construction workforce. For Unskilled labour, the contractor shall prioritise the selection of individuals on the “List of Interest”, which is a regularly maintained registry of unemployed/under-employed individuals who have expressed interest in applying for Unskilled Labour positions within the project. This list will be created and maintained by the Construction Committee, determining its prioritisation criteria and rotational employment strategy, and keeping contact details and employment status up to date over time.

Mainstreaming of environmental sustainability: The project will prioritize sustainable materials and practices in construction and maintenance while educating workers on sustainability considerations for future projects. This includes using low-carbon and locally sourced materials, integrating nature-based solutions, recycling, and planning for material maintenance and end-of-life treatment.

Create a fair, transparent structure for implementation; A transparent and fair selection process will be established for contractors and workers, incorporating input from all relevant stakeholders, including the UFI and Sectors’ elected Community Upgrading Committees (CUCs). Clear communication protocols will ensure broad access to opportunities, while defined roles and requirements will guide participation. A fair recruitment policy will be implemented, with flexibility for amendments as needed.

Prepare a way of working for longer-term projects: The five outlined goals will be integrated into the public tendering process for the next phase of UFI, ensuring alignment with Rwandan public procurement regulations.

1.2. The Construction Committee

The UFI Operator, together with elected community representatives, formed sectors’ construction committees that will oversee labour selection and construction management.

The Construction Committees will oversee recruitment, project management, and compliance to ensure fair and inclusive employment practices. It will document meetings, and update stakeholders. The committees will manage the List of Interest (registry of individuals who have expressed interest in applying for Unskilled Labour positions), prioritizing and rotating employment opportunities while maintaining applicant records. The committees will evaluate contractor bids, and organize training sessions on skills, inclusivity, and sustainability where needed. Additionally, it will enforce safety standards on construction site and ensure contractor compliance with recruitment policies.

1.3. Lots and Scope of work

The UFI team (RWN-Bantu-Espelia) is seeking contractors to execute renovations and improvements to three water collection kiosks and sites in Rwezamenyo and Nyakabanda Sectors, to be tendered in two separate lots. Each lot will have a three-month construction timeline.

Lot 1 will consist of a single water kiosk in Nyakabanda.

Lot 2 will consist of two water kiosks in close proximity to each other in Rwezamenyo.

Each lot will be evaluated separately. A prospective bidder may bid on one or both lots. In the case where contracts are awarded to different bidders, the two lots will have separate contracts. In the case where a single bidder is awarded both lots, it may be done through a single contract, but the total construction timeline to complete both lots remains the same.

The scope of work for each lot is given in the tables below. Detailed drawings, specifications and a bill of quantities (BoQ) will be made available only to shortlisted bidders following the first stage of evaluation.

 Lot 1




Main Construction Components

Dimensions (Approx.)



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of a toilet; supply and installation of 2 water tanks; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and new WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 70 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2

Lot 2




Main Construction Components

Dimensions (Approx.)



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of kiosk porch; construction of a toilet; supply and installation of a water tank; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and existing WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 170 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2



Water kiosk

Water kiosk renovations (removal of existing roofing and installation of new polycarbonate roof, installation of new ceiling, repair/replacement of old window and door, installation of new clerestory windows, repair of deteriorated bricks, repair of damaged interior plaster); construction of kiosk porch; supply and installation of water tanks; terracing and slope stability; stormwater management; landscaping; supply and installation of electrical system and lighting; supply and installation of new water taps and 2 water meters (new traditional meter and new WASAC electronic card system).

Plot size: 100 m2

Water kiosk size: 10 m2

 2. Recruitment

2.1. Pre-qualification

The construction committees will evaluate eligibility to bid based on the following criteria:


Minimum requirement

Added Value/ Score

Proof of being a registered professional, company, cooperative, or other registered legal entity

Proof of being a registered taxpayer in good standing with the Rwanda Revenue Authority, and be able to invoice via electronic billing machine (EBM)

Signed statement indicating willingness to participate in the monitoring and evaluation (tracking studies) of the UFI where needed and supply necessary data for that purpose as required.

Proof of being from/operating business from the relevant sector for the lot being bid on, or demonstrating a good past working relationship with the sectors.

5 points if yes

2 points if partial

0 points if no

Proof of the bidder’s successful completion of at least three construction projects of similar or larger size by completing the project reference form (attached).

10 points if 3 projects

5 points if 2 projects

2 points if 1 project

0 points if none

Documentation proving relevant education, training, or certification for the proposed key skilled staff, including but not limited to:

1 project manager/site supervisor

1 lead welder

1 lead mason

1 lead electrician

1 lead plumber

2 points per skilled staff

(10 possible points)

Demonstration of at least five years of relevant work experience by providing a comprehensive list of projects completed in which the proposed key staff’s skills were utilised.

2 points per year of experience

(10 possible points)

Indication of how the contractor will achieve a high proportion of workers from Rwezamenyo or Nyakabanda Sector into the staff, including vulnerable groups such as unemployed individuals who are below the poverty level, people with disabilities, etc.

10 points

Demonstration of gender diversity within the skilled and unskilled staff

5 points if /≥50% female

4 points if 55/45 male/female

3 points if 60/40 male/female

2 points if 65/35 male/female

1 point if 70/30 male/female

0 points if <30% female

Total possible points for prequalification

50 points

Non-compliance with the minimum requirements will result in disqualification. All other bidders will be evaluated and scored as indicated above.

2.2. Qua

Any bidder scoring higher than 45 points, or the highest three bidders, whichever is more, will be invited to submit their financial and technical proposals. Subject to availability of construction permit, the complete construction drawings, bill of quantities, and other necessary documentation will be released to the shortlisted bidders.

Bids considered to be unrealistically low for the amount and quality of work expected may be asked for clarification. If the UFI Operator considers a bid to be a serious risk to the execution of the work, it may be eliminated. All other bids will be assessed on lowest cost. The selected bidder will be invited for contract negotiations.

2.3. Application Process

2.3.1 Submission & Evaluation

All documentation must be submitted in PDF format to [email protected] not later than 04th, April 2025 at 17:00 o’ clock. The candidates who will meet the criteria will be scheduled to do interview on 14 April 2025 at Rwanda Women’s Network Head Office (Gacuriro) from 10;00 am

2.3.2 Additional information

Questions, requests for clarity, or requests for additional information may be addressed to:

[email protected]

Bidder's Commitment to Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Provision

I, the undersigned, representing [Bidder's Name in case of company, cooperative, or legal entity], hereby confirm our willingness to participate in the monitoring and evaluation activities (tracking studies) of the Kigali Urban Fabric Initiative (UFI) Project, as required.

We acknowledge the importance of ongoing assessment and commit to:

Providing necessary data and information relevant to project evaluation;

Conducting an honest self-assessment of our knowledge and experience in sustainability practices;

Responding to questions related to sustainability before, during, and after the project implementation;

Cooperating with designated project evaluators and stakeholders to ensure transparent and effective monitoring.

We understand that this commitment is essential for the continuous improvement of the UFI Kigali project and agree to comply with requests for information and participation in evaluation processes.

Bidder's Name: _______________

Authorized Representative: _______________

Designation: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________




Project Title


Size (sqm)

Year completed






Staff's Name: _______________

Place of residence: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________



Name of Project

Type of Work

New Construction (tick box if yes)

Renovation (tick box if yes)





Site area (sqm)

 Built up area (sqm)

Client Name

Client Email

Client Phone


Start date (Month/Year)

Completion date (Month/Year)

Major Activities





Tick if any of those apply and provide others under this section





Short Project Description

Photos (Attach at least 3)

Bidder's Name: _______________

Authorized Representative: _______________

Designation: _______________

Date: _______________

Signature: _______________

All the indicators mentioned above respond to the three outcomes listed under 2.5.

4. Users of the Endline and final evaluation

Different users will use the Endline data to serve multiple purposes as follows:

Plan International Rwanda, African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE Rwanda), and Inkomoko Entrepreneur Development (INKOMOKO) staff who will use the data to track project progress against targets to be reached,

The Rwanda TVET Board, in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) will need to know the starting point of our work in strengthening the capacities of Agriculture TVETs in inclusive decent work systems and improved learning environments for climate-smart agri-preneurship

Selected and engaged service providers (Agriculture TVETs and farmer-owned agriculture training centers) who will need to know the reference point in understanding the impact the project generated,

Local Leaders from village to district level who will need to know the impact the project generated,

National Council of Persons with Disabilities who will appreciate how the project is disability inclusive,

National Youth Council that will benefit from the reduction of unemployed youth;

National Women’s Council that will recognize the importance of the project on empowering girls and young women,

Plan International Deutschland will need to know the endline status of the project to know the impact of the fund they have donated and report its main findings to the donor.

5. Methods for Data Collection and Analysis

The project team intends to have the endline data at impact, outcome, and outputs, Thus, this endline survey will adopt a mixed methods approach; quantitative data will be backed up with qualitative information collected from focused group discussions and Key informants to ensure a well-constructed starting point for the project.

The external Consultant will be hired to do this assignment together with the supervision of the MERL team from Plan International Rwanda. Methods like structured interviews or questionnaires will be applied based on different indicators and they should be sensitive to the target population (unit of analysis) and robust enough to provide adequate responses to the stated study purpose while factoring in the local context.

For efficiency and consistency, the endline survey will make as much use as possible of reliable secondary data. The consultant is expected to first conduct a desk review. The Secondary data will be collected from various documents, including but not limited to:

Plan International's relevant policies, guidelines, strategies, and other documentation on Plan International’s Area of Global Distinctiveness, particularly the ones on Skills & Opportunities for Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship (SOYEE),

Projects/Programs documents,

Relevant Studies, endline surveys, research from Plan International Rwanda, and/ or other reliable sources.

The methodology with all details will be further unpacked in the inception report by the consultant and validated by authorized Plan International Staff from the Rwanda Country Office; the data collection will use a professional digital data platform that utilizes electronic surveys. The consultant must submit the electronically coded version of the survey tools in the enumerator training and actual data collection.

The methodology section should cover study approaches and design, sampling, sample size determination, data collection methods/instruments, data analysis techniques, a plan for disseminating study findings, and be cognizant of quality assurance, the local context, safeguarding, and ethical considerations during the study.

5.1 Sample

To ensure comparability, reduce sampling bias, and enhance the credibility and validity of the findings. Consistency in sample size allows for accurate assessment of changes over time, facilitates longitudinal analysis, and aligns with the evaluation design, ensuring the ability to detect true effects of the intervention. Since this study is endline and final evaluation, the study will use the baseline sample size of 301 out of 900 total population.

The Plan International standards on Minimum Beneficiary Disaggregation will be shared with the consultants. The minimum requirement is a disaggregation according to gender, age, and location.

5.2 Participant Selection and Recruitment

Participants in this endline study will include a sample from the project’s total participants of 900 young people from the districts of Bugesera, Nyaruguru, and Gatisbo with a participation rate of 60% of females and 40% of males aged between 16 to 35 years old and disaggregated by age (<18 & >18) and sex. In addition, the sample size will engage 900 project direct participants across all three districts (Bugesera, Gatsibo, and Nyaruguru), and Key informants will sampled from 3 Agriculture TVET centers, 3 Farmer cooperatives, 30 RTB personnel (Department Managers, Administrators, Agriculture TVETs Teachers, and Instructors), Representatives from Farmer Owned Agricultural Training Centres (15 Females, 15 Males), 30 staff in charge of Agriculture TVET career guidance, 15 Industry stakeholders, 45 Community representatives.

AEE Rwanda, INKOMOKO, and Plan International Rwanda staff will be working with the consultant to locate respondents and to inform local leaders about the activity that is being conducted in the controlling zone. The consultant is the agent who will conduct the study this TOR is describing.

The consultant in consultation with AEE Rwanda, INKOMOKO, and Plan International Rwanda can also identify and suggest additional or excluded stakeholders that he/she feels are important to be involved to ensure he/she gets the information he/she needs to assess the endline values thoroughly.

6. Ethics and Child Protection

Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those participating in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, by the Framework for Ethical MERL and our Global Policy on Safeguarding Children and Young People. All applicants should include details in their proposal on how they will ensure ethics and child protection in the data collection process. Specifically, the consultant(s) shall explain how appropriate, safe, and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be ensured and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children and other vulnerable groups. The consultant(s) shall also explain how confidentiality and anonymity, as well as ensuring data protection of participants, will be guaranteed before, during data collection, and after data analysis.

7. Key Deliverables

The conformity of the report to the Monitoring Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL) standards and requirements of Plan International will be assessed and confirmed by Plan International Rwanda. The text of the report should be illustrated, as appropriate, with maps, graphs, and tables.

10. Expected Qualifications

Interested bidders are required to indicate the person who will be leading this end-line study, hereby, known as the Lead Consultant, and also detail the specific tasks of the other members that they so wish to involve in this end-line study. The lead Consultant will have the following key competencies:

At least a master's degree in development studies, social sciences, project management, Economics, Data Science, Gender studies, Monitoring and Evaluation, agribusiness, and other agriculture-related studies from a recognized university.

Experience of 3 to 5 years in conducting similar assignments, such as baseline, midline, and endline evaluations

Technical M&E skills including demonstrated knowledge and experience in undertaking end-line and final evaluations or other research-related assignments with international organizations.

Superior data tabulation and analysis skills (using CS Pro; Epi Info Stata, SPSS, Python, and R, Power BI, and Tableau);

Proficiency in statistics for both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and proven experience with data analysis.

Excellent report writing and data interpretation

Ability to conduct research independently.

Knowledge of English and Kinyarwanda.

A history of published articles, studies, or research work.

Companies with relevant experience and evidenced proof of experience of staff on this assignment may apply.

11. Submission of proposal

Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

a) administrative documents:

The consulting firm must submit the following administrative documents:

Copy of Registration certificate (RDB Certificate)

VAT Certificate

RRA and RRSB clearances

b) technical proposal to include:

Requirements on the format of the bid; The structure of the offer must correspond to the structure of the TOR. It must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and formulated. The offer is drawn up in English. With the following:

A Cover letter expressing interest in this assignment;

A one-page Consultant’s understanding of the TOR;

Proposed methodology, activities, and expected outcomes;

Ethics and child safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies.

A detailed activities schedule/work plan with a time frame (including a Gantt chart);

A profile of the individual consultant or consulting firm including the full names, physical addresses, telephone numbers, and contact person of the form/company;

Copy of CVs of all the consultants who will undertake the endline and final evaluations or surveys;

Three good completion certificates of similar assignment provided by well-recognized international Organizations/NGOs years with contactable references .

c) financial proposal detailing:

Itemized consultant’s fees;

Itemized field data collection expenses;

Itemized administration expenses;

Validity period of quotation;

Expected payment plan and method.

12. Applications

Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:

Detailed response to the TOR

Proposed methodology

Ethics and child safeguarding approaches, including any identified risks and associated mitigation strategies

Proposed timelines


Detailed budget, including daily fee rates, expenses, taxes, etc.


Interested bidders should submit their offers in sealed and separate Technical and Financial Proposals referencing the Endline and Final Evaluation for “The Future is Green! Promoting Youth Agri-Preneurship in Rwanda PROJECT " in the subject line and including support documents as outlined by hand not later than 2:00 PM of 2nd April, 2025 to the below address

The Chairperson -Tender Panel

Plan International Rwanda

Kacyiru- Golden Plaza Building, Floor # 4,

KG 546 St- Next to Rwanda Housing Authority,

P.O. Box 6211, Kigali, Rwanda

Done on 20th March 2025

Date and Timings:

21-03-2025 12:43 PM to 31-03-2025 12:43 PM

Event Location


#terms of reference

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