Tutorial assistant Center for Languages Enhancement- CASS under contract, Huye, Rwanda Closing Date 26/03.2025 https://www.google.com/adsense/new/u/2/pub-8424431947926653/myads/sites/preview?url=beinvenudo.com#:~:text=%3Cscript%20async%20src%3D%22https%3A//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js%3Fclient%3Dca%2Dpub%2D8424431947926653%22%0A%20%20%20%20%20crossorigin%3D%22Center for Languages Enhancement- CASS%22%3E%3C/script%3E

23 hours ago

Event Details:

university of rwanda (UR)



Under Contract

Posted on

Mar 18, 2025


Mar 26, 2025



Exams to be conducted


Reports To

Director of Center for Languages Enhancement- CASS

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching

 Assist lecturers in preparation field work and practical’s

 Assist lecturers in invigilation and marking of courses in his/her area of specialization

 Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations

 Participate in organization of practical's in classrooms, library and laboratories.

2. Research

 Participate in research proposals implementation trough data collection and entry for analysis,

 Participate in the elaboration of research protocols.

 Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems

 Participate in publishing research results at national, regional and international levels

3. Community Outreach

 Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders

 Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies

 Participate in organizing national scientific conferences

4. Consultancy

 Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization

 Compete successfully for income generating consultancies

5. Relevant Qualifications

1. Recent graduates within the last three (3) years with a Bachelor's degree with honors (First Class, Upper Second Division, or 70% marks and above) in English as foreign/second language, or Communication studies, or Language and Literature, or English language Education, or English Linguistics or Literature or English and French.

7. Required documents

• Copy of National Identity Card

• Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda

• Resume/CV

• Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


Bachelor’s Degree in Literature

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor’s Degree in Language and Literature

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor’s degree in English with education

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor’s degree in English and literature with education

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor's Degree in English and French Education

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor of English

0 Year of relevant experience

Bachelor's Degree in English Liguistic

0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

Customer care skills

Strong organizational and time management skills

High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy

Efficient, effective and economic use of resources

Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services

Devotion and serving public interest

Accountability for administrative decisions

Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information

Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.

Decency and integrity.        

Apply here: https://recruitment.mifotra.gov.rw/#:~:text=%3C!doctype%20html%3E,body%3E%3C/html%3E

Date and Timings:

18-03-2025 4:05 PM to 26-03-2025 11:59 PM

Event Location



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