Ubuyobozi bw' ihuriro AFC/M23 bwakiriye Bruno Lamarquis uhagarariye umuryango w' abibumbye muri Repubulika iharanira Demokarasi ya Congo.

13 hours ago

Ubuyobozi bw’ihuriro AFC/M23 bwakiriye Intumwa Yihariye yungirije y’Umunyamabanga Mukuru w’Umuryango w’Abibumbye muri Repubulika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Congo, Bruno Lemarquis.
Lemarquis unasanzwe ari umuyobozi ushinzwe ibikorwa by’ubutabazi bya Loni muri RDC, yakiriwe n’umuyobozi wa AFC, Corneille Nangaa, na Perezida wa M23, Bertrand Bisimwa, i Goma kuri uyu wa 18 Werurwe 2025.



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